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Come find Dr. Norman on Twitter! @whaledocsteph

May 2019Marine-Med has been working with other organizations such as Cascadia Research, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and World Vets to examine and sample many of the stranded gray whales in Washington State in which more than 18 whales have died so far in the state.
June 18-25Dr. Norman will again be one of the instructors for aquatic veterinary students, veterinarians, and biologists at the MARVET Mexico 2019 Workshop in Playa del Carmen. It is a great opportunity for students interested in aquatic animal medicine to gain hands-on experience with a variety of species.
August 2019Dr. Norman will present preliminary findings of an ongoing antibiotic resistance study in harbor seals and harbor porpoises of the Salish Sea crowd-funded project through Experiment.com at the Wildlife Disease Association Conference in Tahoe City, Nevada.
June 16-24, 2018 Dr. Norman will be one of the instructors for aquatic veterinary students, veterinarians, and biologists at the MARVET Mexico 2018 Workshop in Playa del Carmen.
May 19-23, 2018 Dr Norman will be attending the International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine (IAAAM) Meeting to give the following oral presentation: Mucormycosis: An Emerging Disease in Marine Mammals of the Pacific Northwest.
June 17-30, 2017 Dr. Norman served as an instructor again this year at MARVET in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
May 20-24, 2017 Dr. Norman presented a poster (Epidemiology: an emerging tool for coral research and conservation) and a talk (Lend me your (whale) ears: or why you should bother collecting a whale's earwax) at the International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine (IAAAM) Conference in Cancun, Mexico. View Poster.
2017 Dr. Norman recently published a paper on contaminant and hormone levels in a harbor porpoise with lymphoma - see our Publications page to view this and other publications.
2016 Dr. Norman completed a year-long postdoctoral research fellowship at Baylor University in 2016 working under Dr. Stephen Trumble, analyzing contaminant and hormone levels in earwax of baleen whales: The Trumble Laboratory.
June 4-14, 2015 Dr. Norman participated in the 2015 MARVET Training Workshop in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. She presented talks on coral health and surveying methodology as well as applications of GIS to marine health research.
May 2015 Dr. Norman traveled to Nepal with her colleague Dr. Jessica Schwind from Georgia Regents University to participate in the administration of an Introduction to Epidemiology training course to our Nepali colleagues, and to help with post-earthquake village assessments.
June 2014 MARVET (Marine Veterinary Medicine). Dr. Norman gave a presentation on coral reef diseases to participants of the 2014 MARVET MEXICO educational program in Playa del Carmen, MX. 
April 8 and 10, 2014 2014 Spring Annual Zoonotic Disease Workshop, Olympia, WA. Dr. Norman's presentation was "Emerging and reemerging zoonotic diseases in marine animals of Washington State".
November 2012 Dr. Norman presented the "Use of spatial analyses and GIS in marine mammal strandings and UMEs" at the 13th International Conference of the American Cetacean Society in San Diego, CA.
August 2012 American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA) Annual Convention, San Diego, CA. Dr. Norman gave a presentation on "Epidemiological tools in aquatic animal practice and research" during the Clinical Aquatic Veterinary Medicine Session.
June 2012 The Gordon Research Conference, Oceans and Human Health, Biddeford, ME. Dr. Norman presented results from her dissertation: "Fecal pathogen pollution: sources and patterns in water and sediment samples from upper Cook Inlet, Alaska".
May 2012 International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine Meeting (IAAAM), Atlanta, GA. Dr. Norman presented more results from her dissertation: "Variation in hematological and serum biochemical values of captive belugas (Delphinapterus leucas)".
April 2012 Florida Marine Mammal Health Conference IV, Sarasota, FL.
Dr. Norman presented an overview of her epidemiology dissertation and the application of epidemiological tools in conserving endangered species.
March 2012 Northeast Region Stranding Conference, Baltimore, MD. Dr. Norman's presentation was "Epidemiological analyses: who knew you could apply them to marine mammal strandings in so many ways?"
January 2012 Dr. Norman presented the results of one of her PhD dissertation projects at the Alaska Marine Science Symposium in Anchorage, Alaska. Learn more about this very informative conference: www.alaskamarinescience.org