Following is a list of some of the associates we network with.
- Cascadia Research Collective
- Central Puget Sound Marine Mammal Stranding Network
- CONSERVET - conservation medicine, an emerging professional discipline that explores the dynamic interface between animal, human, and ecologic health
- International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine
- International Society for Reef Studies
- MarEcoTel - a nonprofit organization based in Washington State that conducts research on the biology, behavior, and physiology of marine species worldwide
- MARVET - a marine animal medicine educational program
- Port Townsend Marine Science Center
- Puget Sound Chapter of the American Cetacean Society
- Dr. Richmond Loh, The Fish Vet - Perth, Western Australia
- Society for Marine Mammalogy
- Uko Gorter, Natural History Illustrator
- University of Washington Department of Epidemiology
- World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association
- World Vets