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Marine-Med Services

Dr. Norman holding two ghost shrimp

Dr. Norman holding two ghost shrimp;
Jetty Island, WA; August 2011

Dr. Norman collecting water samples in upper Cook Inlet for fecal pathogen testing

Dr. Norman collecting water samples in upper Cook Inlet in 2011 for fecal pathogen testing

Epidemiological Services

We offer services to evaluate health conditions in managed and wild marine life, including:

  • Evaluating disease patterns
  • Identify health and research needs
  • Epizootic/outbreak investigations
  • Investigation of disease in animal populations
  • Interpretation of diagnostic tests
  • Observational studies
  • Disease surveillance
  • Risk factor studies
  • Spatiotemporal analyses and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Marine Veterinary Services

Dr. Norman is available for veterinary consultation and health care services such as designing and assisting with health assessment studies, disease investigations and necropsy services, and other health-related activities.

Dr. Norman performing a necropsy on a stranded sea lion

Dr. Norman performing a necropsy on a stranded sea lion; Bellingham, WA; 2005

Dr. Norman holding two ghost shrimp

Dr. Norman holding two ghost shrimp;
Jetty Island, WA; August 2011

Dr. Norman collecting water samples in upper Cook Inlet for fecal pathogen testing

Dr. Norman collecting water samples in upper Cook Inlet in 2011 for fecal pathogen testing